Dr. Evangelos Gidarakos has been a Full Professor at the School of Environmental Engineering and Director of the Laboratory of Toxic and Hazardous Waste Management at the Technical University of Crete in Greece since 2002.
The scientific fields of his concern include: a) toxic and hazardous waste management, treatment and disposal b) sustainable municipal solid waste management and c) soil and groundwater remediation, using innovative technologies.
Many of the research programs that Prof. Gidarakos has supervised for the European Union, the Environmental Protection Agency of U.S.A. or the German Environment Agency concerned the above mention fields.
Prof. Gidarakos has collaborated with many research centers and institutes (e.g. Max-Planck, Frauhofer, MIT, Battelle Memorial Institute, BNNL, etc.) and has been a visitor professor in many Universities, such as the Technical University of Hamburg, Dresden and Cottbus in Germany.
Also, he is a member of many international associations and working groups and has received much honourable discrimination. He has 5 patents, he has published more than 70 papers in scientific journals and has presented more than 200 papers in different international scientific conferences.
Editor in Chief: RAFFAELLO COSSU