an official journal of: published by:
Editor in Chief: RAFFAELLO COSSU

Detritus – Multidisciplinary Journal for Circular Economy and Sustainable Management of Residues is an official journal of IWWG – International Waste Working Group, published by Cisa Publisher.

The journal is aimed at extending the “waste” concept by opening up the field to other waste-related disciplines (e.g. earth science, applied microbiology, environmental science, architecture, art, law, forensic engineering, etc.) welcoming strategic, review and opinion papers. The journal has been named Detritus to convey a truly international flavor (the term derives from Latin) and to appropriately represent the notion of the multidisciplinary journal we intend to develop.

Detritus is published quarterly. The first volume has been published in March 2018. The submission and review process is implemented through the professional platform ScholarOne, powered by Clarivate Analytics.

Science is the main factor in promoting and guiding the human progress. Journals play a fundamental role in validation, diffusion and recording of the scientific results. But, in order to be useful, Science should be part of a network shaped as a triangle. One of the triangle vertices is Science, being the other two Society and Industry. Society (culture, policy, administration, welfare, psicology, wealthcare, etc.) stimulates the scientific activities and receives benefits from it. Industry (Technologies, Economy, Occupation, etc.) and entrepreneurship in general, is committed to support and apply the scientific knowledge, bringing it in the real world.
To this triangle the attention of this new Journal is addressed, focusing on all aspects dealing with waste resources management and engineering and carefully considering the responsible and sustainable material loop closing for residues.

The name Detritus is functional to the journal character as it is multidisciplinary and refers to a residue which can become a resource (like sand, gravel or organic debris!).
