The IWWG was established in 2002 to serve as a forum for the scientific and professional community and to respond to a need for the international promotion and dissemination of new developments in the waste management industry. We are providing an intellectual platform to encourage and support integrated and sustainable waste management and promote practical scientific development in the field.
Conceived as a think-tank, whose work is based on scientific principles oriented towards practical applications, the underlying structure of the IWWG enables a focus on a wide range of subjects, to react promptly to problems that arise in the field, and to communicate effectively within the professional community.
For further information on the structure, activities, events and membership please visit the IWWG Official website:
If you are interested to become a member of the IWWG please contact:
Marco Ritzkowski c/o Hamburg University of Technology Harburger Schlossstr. 36 20179 Hamburg, Germany tel. +49 040 428 78 20 53 |
The benefits of IWWG membership are the following:
- Subscription to IWWG official Journal Waste Management at a special discount price, both print subscription (135,00€) or print+electronic subscription (166,00€). Electronic subscription includes access to back numbers from 1995
- Individual subscription to Detritus, available only for IWWG members, at a special price (20 €). Please subscribe here
- Access to the all the contents included in the Members Area: proceedings and Power Point presentations from IWWG conferences, Task groups outputs, recordings of the IWWG seminars and lectures (i.e. Food for brain)
- Access to previous editions of IWWG conferences proceedings
- Discount on the entrance fee of IWWG international waste management symposia (official IWWG conferences)
- Discount on IWWG Seminar Registration
- Discount on IWWG publications (e.g. textbooks)
- Discount on Elsevier publications
- Participation in the General Assembly (GA) meeting. The GA meets (at least) once a year.
- Participation in all activities of IWWG including Task Groups