Hans Van der Sloot Consultancy, The Netherlands
Hans van der Sloot has held different positions in the Netherlands Energy Research Foundation (ECN, Petten, The Netherlands) until December 2009.
After retiring from ECN he started his private consultancy in 2010. He has been involved in standardization of leaching tests for waste, soil and construction products at national and international level (CEN, ISO, US EPA).
He is involved in several waste, construction and landfill related studies dealing with preparation of regulations (LFD, CPD, CPR, EoW, HWD). He co-authored a major study for US EPA on Lab to field relationships making use of recently issued protocols in SW846. He is Associate editor for Waste Management.
He is a member of the International Waste Working Group (IWWG) and active in developing a decision support tool for environmental impact assessment (LeachXS) in cooperation with ECN (Petten, The Netherlands) and Vanderbilt University (Nashville, USA).
Editor in Chief: RAFFAELLO COSSU