Environmental Engineer / University of Padova, Italy
Ph.D. Degree in Environmental Engineering at the University of Padova (IT), she is currently working as a researcher at the same University, where she is teaching Water and wastewater treatment course. Her research activities aim to identify low-tech cost-effective solutions in Environmental Engineering, Waste and Wastewater treatment and management. Her research has been also focused on waste treatments to reduce their emissions potential before the final contaminants sink, the role of landfilling in Circular Economy, particularly on Sustainable landfilling, recently publishing the book “La discarica sostenibile: Ruolo nell’economia circolare e proposte normative” (“The sustainable landfilling: role in Circular Economy and legislative proposals”). She is member of IWWG and co-leader of the IWWGyoung task group.
Editor in Chief: RAFFAELLO COSSU