INSTITUTIONAL SUBSCRIPTIONS – Universities / Libraries / Research institutions / Companies
An Institutional subscription provides online access to all Detritus contents for an unlimited number of members from the same Institution / University.
The access is granted through the Institution IP address and users are required to connect from any office within the Institution. Alternatively, they should use a proxy/VPN to connect to the Institution’s network.
If you intend to make an Institutional subscription, please follow these steps:
- Register the account for your Institution by filling in the form. Please indicate name, surname and email of a contact person
- Select your corresponding Tier and complete the order on the website
- If you need an invoice in advance, please contact us at
- To give access to all the members of your Institution, please provide us with the outgoing IP address by sending an email at – Check your Institution IP address here
- The subscription will be activated upon receipt of payment
This option is available only for IWWG members. An administrative cost of 20 € is required. Not yet a member? Discover all the benefits of IWWG membership and register here.
If you are already a member of IWWG and wish to make an individual subscription to Detritus, please follow these steps: