an official journal of: published by:
Editor in Chief: RAFFAELLO COSSU

Chemist / Faculty of Civil Engineering at the Technical University of Kosice, Slovakia
Prof. Dr. Adriana Estokova graduated in Inorganic Chemistry and completed her PhD in Environmental Engineering. She became an associate professor and a professor of environmental engineering. She is currently a full professor at the Faculty of Civil Engineering at the Technical University of Kosice, Slovakia. Her professional experience is in the field of materials and environmental engineering. Her research focuses on sustainable construction, in particular on the development of building materials based on waste and secondary materials, their characterisation and assessment of environmental safety (heavy metals, leachability and radionuclide activity), environmental impact in buildings (LCA, carbon footprint) as well as durability in aggressive environments (bio-corrosion and chemical corrosion). She has published more than 400 papers, of which 153 are indexed in Scopus and 110 in Web of Science. She has reported more than 700 citations for her papers and has an h-index of 15 (WOS). She serves as editor, guest editor and reviewer for several prestigious scientific journals.
